When you choose to do your high school diploma from home, you not only have the capability of working at your own pace, without the distractions and stresses that the high school social scene poses, but you also have the capability of choosing the classes that you want, from a far wider variety of option than what your local high school would be able to offer you through night school.
At Citizens School, we realize that while economics and the need to work full time is a primary motivator for people to leave school prior to achieving their diploma, we also realize that there are many other factors at play. Our marketing team research has clearly shown that not only do students leave school out of a need, they also leave school out of desire, the desire to be stimulated more than what their local high school could provide.
One interviewee, Jason, put it most bluntly, “I left school because I was bored. Plain and simple. The high school that I went to, did not offer the kinds of courses that I was interested in taking. They offered all the necessary stuff, for sure, like Math and Languages, things like that. My interests lie more on the artistic side and there was not anything there to stimulate me. I finally gave up, I felt like I was wasting my time.”
That’s when Jason realized that at Citizens School, the choices in course selection are endless. He came across our information while searching for other options and realized that he would be able to take artistic classes like painting and graphic design through our institution, while still achieving a federally recognized high school diploma. While adhering to official requirement for a high school diploma, we are able to offer a more outstanding selection that stimulate our students, while they also complete the required courses to achieve what they ultimately are looking for – a high school diploma with a breadth of selection that is unparalleled.
So, if you are thinking that you want to achieve a high school diploma, but the idea of it makes you cringe from the memories of high school boredom, remember that you have more opportunities than you think.
Resource: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=89745&ca=Education
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